仪器上机操作考核:为了提升XRD实验质量,防止因为实验上机操作生疏造成测试结果失真或者测试中途产生故障停机等不良因素,厦门大学XRD实验新用户注册预约系统账号后,必须主动到化学楼201#XRD实验室观摩学习,待自己可独立并熟练上机操作,然后才有资格申请厦门大学XRD实验新用户上机考核授权。首先建议你加入厦门大学化学楼204#XRD QQ群:619577128;并通过QQ报名,最后由老师统一协调并会把你具体的考核时间通过QQ群发布。The instrument’s operating examination: in order to improve the XRD experiment quality, prevent the test result distortion because the experiment of running the instrument is unfamiliar or breaking down in the middle of the test. The new user of the Xiamen University XRD experiment registers the reservation system account number firstly, then you must take the initiative to the chemical building 201#XRD laboratory observation and study, waiting for youself independent and skilled for instrument’s operation, You are eligible to apply for Xiamen University XRD instrument’s examination authorization. First of all, it is suggested that you join the 204#XRD QQ group of Xiamen University Chemistry Building: 619577128. and sign up through QQ;The teacher will coordinated and issue your specific examination time through QQ group finally.